It was you I loved

in all people I loved before we met.

Faces, sexes, races, colours, believes,

all secondary things changed

but it was always you I had been looking for,

as a thirsty peregrine in search of Beauty!


Thus, Love is eternal

and farewell a secondary thing.

I shall love you

in all people I love if you leave.


(Marquês de Valença, 9.9.1981)



I met you before this time, long ago.

It has been just like diving again

into your beautiful eyes I already knew.


The emotion of seeing Love again

lasted for the two years we spent together.

What a tender magic it has been, living beside you!


All my dreams rose with hopes and smiles;

whole emotions renewed themselves.

It has been beautiful,

until that sad night in London when you said:

"Wait for me until the day we meet again.

Right now I can not go."


You know, maybe it would have been better

if you had said good bye forever.

Perhaps I would have died

or maybe poetry would cease to be in my heart

(that would be the same, anyway).

Who knows I would even be able to forget you.

That would be better than to be here,

infinitely alone, lost, empty.


(Brasilia, 26.10.1981)

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